Family Photo - St. Simons Island

Family Photo - St. Simons Island

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy 6 Month Birthday, Mollie!

It is hard to believe that our little Mollie is 6 months old today! For her celebration, she hosted some of the babies from our birth class and their parents. Emmy and Elena were lots of fun. The three girls played with Mollie's play kitchen and sported matching Valentine's headbands.

They enjoyed cake and party hats. I take that back- they enjoyed watching the cake and wearing party hats. :) I don't think the three of them were awake at the same time for more than 15 minutes!

After our company left, Mollie sat for some photos. She is doing so much better with sitting up! After about 30 seconds, she topples over, but she is getting stronger every single day. We are all convinced that Mollie will have her lower left front tooth any day now. It is almost visible under her gums. Anything is fair game for chewing these days! Her hands are her favorite chew toy!

Yesterday, when I wrote my blog, I wrote a about a lot that had changed. Upon reflecting on what I wrote, I realized that I didn't write very much about what we had GAINED. I wrote about things we had lost! I hope I didn't sound too negative because we have gained so very much with our little girl in the past 6 months.
We now have...
A snuggle bug,
A laugh machine,
An audience for singing, jokes, music, puppetry, and dance theater,
A friend for the pets,
A dinner guest,
A conversationalist,
A member of the Osborne reading club,
Someone who can always make us smile.


The Chiaramontes said...

Happy 6 months, Mollie! You are a beautiful little girl!

The Middleton's said...

6 months already!! She is so beautiful! You capture her personality in your photos. We can't wait to meet her sometime soon! We also gave Mattie a 6 month cake and gift! Fun times!