It has been terribly hard not to spoil my child. There seem to be a million things that babies "must have" out there. Luckily for now, Mollie does not know that she is spoiled! You can imagine my dilemma as I ended up in Kohl's last week with my mother and I saw all of the Fisher-Price toys 50% off. I immediately tried to find an excuse to spoil my child again. I found one item for Mollie's Christmas present, and then I noticed the Rain Forest Soother.
The Rain Forest Soother was on our Baby Registry, and we didn't get it. No problem. I really didn't think that we needed it, and I definitely thought that Mollie was doing just fine without it. She has a mobile in her crib. That should be good enough, right? Well, this thing ended up being $20 from $45 after the 50% off and a coupon my Mom had. So, I bought it. I was going to keep it for a Christmas present also, but then I showed Mollie when we got home. That thing got her attention better than a college football game on T.V. (On a side note... No, I am not allowing my child to watch television. That football game was a simple act of exhausted desperation on my part.)
Well, why waste the soother for two months in the closet waiting for Christmas? I showed David when he got home from work. It sat on the coffee table until the evening. Evening in our house = fussy baby central. Mollie had a major melt-down: the kind where sticking one of mommy's "mute buttons" in her mouth is the only way to quiet her down. She had just eaten an hour before. So, I picked up the soother, turned it on, and showed Mollie.
As soon as Mollie opened up her crying eyes, she stopped screaming. David said, "That's trippy." The little red frog swung back-and-forth, the blue water fall lit up and twisted, the fish swayed in the bubbling water, and music played. She was zoned out and zoned in at the same time. PERFECT.
This thing has saved us on several occasions now. Who knew? On behalf of myself and my husband, I would like to thank you, Fisher-Price. Thank you for saving our sanity and our ear drums from who knows how many past and future Mollie melt-downs.